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Emilia Fogelklou läst i dag : Nio essäer

Anders Jeffner (ed.)

Konferenser, 72

Emilia Fogelklou Norlind (1878-1972) was the first woman to receive a BA in theology at a Swedish university. The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities celebrated the centenary of this event with a symposium in 2009. The aim was to discuss and evaluate her important and still relevant contributions in many fields. The works of Emilia Fogelklou cover a broad area from autobiographical novels to philosophical essays and religious studies. A gender perspective is present in most of her writing. Fogelklou worked as a teacher and author. She was active in the Church of Sweden but her interest in mysticism led her to membership of the Quaker movement. This volume contains the main contributions from the symposium. The authors are experts in literary studies, women's studies, education, religious studies and philosophy. The aspects dealt with are her important three autobiographies, her work as a feminist pioneer, her place in the history of education and her innovative contributions to theology and philosophy.

Cover for Emilia Fogelklou läst i dag : Nio essäer

ISBN: 9789174023893

ISSN: 0348-1433

Published: 2010

Language: sv