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The Gallery of Charles XI: at the Royal Palace of Stockholm - in Perspective

Linda Hinners (red.), Martin Olin (red.), Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf (red.)

Historiska serien, no. 32

In 1700 the construction of a new royal palace in Stockholm was under way. At the behest of the Swedish king, the architect Nicodemus Tessin the Younger invited French artists and artisans to come to Stockholm to work on the interiors. Largely completed in 1703, the gallery in the state apartment celebrates the reign of King Charles XI (r. 1660-1697). It tells us not only about the transfer of artistic practices but also about the propagandistic force of Louis XIV's absolute rule.

The 17 essays in this volume are based on presentations given at an interdisciplinary symposium in Stockholm.

The editors:
LINDA HINNERS, Curator of Sculpture, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm.
MARTIN OLIN, Deputy Director of Collections & Research, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm.
MARGARETHA ROSSHOLM LAGERLĂ–F, Emeritus Professor of Art History, Stockholm University, and member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien).
The Gallery of Charles XI

ISBN 9789174024425

Hard cover

266 pages

Published 2016

Language eng

Price from SEK 265