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SEK 235



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Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Biographies: Research, Results, and Reading

Anders Jarlert (red.)

Konferenser, no. 94

This volume presents methodological aspects of writing ecclesiastical biographies as well as their relevancy to a broad spectrum of disciplines besides Church history, such as general history, Slavic studies and history of literature. Spiritual biographies spanning in time from Augustine to modern times, and in space from Sweden to South Africa, are discussed from both existential and theological perspectives. The use of historical sources, the biographer’s role and the reader’s use of the biography are also treated in the 22 contributions.

Edited by Anders Jarlert. The volume is a collection of 22 papers. For information about the authors, see the inside cover flap.
Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Biographies

ISBN 9789174024487

Soft cover

245 pages

Published 2017

Language eng

Price from SEK 235