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Skärgård och örlog : Nedslag i Stockholms skärgårds tidiga historia


Katarina Schoerner (red.)

Konferenser, 71

(Naval activity in the archipelago. On the early history of the Stockholm Archipelago) East of Stockholm an archipelago of some 30 000 islands stretches about 100 km into the Baltic Sea. The history of this archipelago during the 16th and 17th centuries has been poorly researched. During this period Sweden changed from being a small country on the outskirts of Europe to becoming a great power in the region. Stockholm was the country's capital and its window on the rest of Europe, and the development of the nation and the capital would not have been possible without the demographic and natural resources provided by the archipelago surrounding and protecting the capital. In 2008 the Royal Academy of History Letters and Antiquities, in collaboration with the The Historical Foundation of Djurhamn during the Vasa Dynasty, held a symposium to shed light on this period focusing on Djurhamn, one of the naval operating bases of the time. The essays in this book are based on presentations given at the symposium.

Omslag för Skärgård och örlog : Nedslag i Stockholms skärgårds tidiga historia

ISBN: 9789174023886

ISSN: 0348-1433

Publicerad: juni 2009

Språk: sv