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In i ordens domäner : Anna Rydstedts liv och diktning


Torbjörn Lodén (red.)

Konferenser, 102

This collection of seventeen essays on the life and poetry of Anna Rydstedt (1928-1994) is based on the papers presented at a conference organized in April 2018 by the Anna Rydstedt Society and the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. Anna Rydstedt was born and grew up in Ventlinge in the southern part of the island of Oland. During her years at Lund University, where she studied literature, philosophy and other subjects, she published her first collection of poetry Bannlyst prästinna (Banned priestess) in 1953. This was followed by seven more collections. Her last collection Kore came out posthumously in 1994. After graduating from the university in 1955, Anna Rydstedt taught at folk high schools in Denmark and Sweden until 1980, when she was granted a writer's salary by the Swedish Government. The essays here deal with Anna Rydstedt and her oeuvre from different perspectives, e.g. her family background, her years in Lund, the role of religion for her writing, the reception of her poetry in the Nordic countries.

Omslag för In i ordens domäner : Anna Rydstedts liv och diktning

ISBN: 9789188763051

ISSN: 0348-1433

Publicerad: juli 2020

Språk: sv